Saturday 10 July 2010

Quitting Again Day 1

I fell to temptation stupidly a few month's ago and began smoking again. Today I go for my second Quit 10 July. so reset the clock to Day 1. I am on a sailing trip with non smokers so at least for the first 5 super crud days I will be in a good environment and a bit more away from temptation.
I tossed my cigs this morning. Let the adventure begin.

Sunday 31 January 2010

6 Months


Sunday 17 January 2010


I am going in for a small operation and after chest X ray and other exams I was diagnosed with chronic emphysema. Of course most of the symptoms have gone since I quit but the permanent damage remains.

Thursday 31 December 2009

5 Months

It is a Blue Moon New Years Eve. 5 months smoke free!!!!!!!

Tuesday 29 December 2009

Health for Canada - Quit for Life

Here is another fine site provided by Canadian Department of Health and targeted in particular to younger smokers.

California Smokers Helpline

Here is a terrific interactive site to help you quit smoking

6000 cigarettes not smoked

I have passed the mark of 6000 cigarettes not smoked based on my 2 pack a day habit. Do I feel better? YES. Do I miss the high, YES. Would I start smoking again? NEVER

Monday 28 December 2009

Taming That Overwhelming Urge to Smoke

I went cold turkey and quit without any medication or nicotine substitute. Less than 10% of smokers who go cold turkey are successful in quitting. Highest success rates combine counseling or group therapy with nicotine replacement and sometimes the use of drugs.

The article below discusses the drugs Zyban and Chantix (varenicline) which has helped many kick the habit as well as the use of nicotine replacement products.

Sunday 27 December 2009

Hurry Up It's Time

Here is a reprint of an editorial by Andre Aciman from the New York Times written in 1995 about his smoking habit and quitting in the 1980's.

Tuesday 22 December 2009

Smoking in Moscow

My dear friend Irina in Moscow is still struggling to quit. She wrote me saying she was ashamed that she is still smoking but that she is cutting down. Her boss Ilia quit in September and now they have a no smoking office .Here is my answer to her:

Dear Irina,

I am really happy to know that Ilia is still off the cigarettes, what a wonderful Christmas present for him and his family. Please let him know I send him my warm congratulations!

Your struggle to quit smoking is nothing to be ashamed about. It is normal.
You have made a lot of progress since we spoke about this in September.

1. You are beginning to think about the benefits and reasons you want to quit (for you and those you love)
2. You have taken the first steps to cut down on your smoking and become aware of your habit.
3. Trust me when I tell you that when you quit, the cravings and need for that smoke do subside. It takes some time and is most difficult part is the first month.
4. It is normal for the nicotine devil to be whispering in your ear and telling you all the reasons why you enjoy smoking and why you cannot quit… He is afraid you are thinking of banishing him from your life and he is a dark and difficult parasite to get rid of.

There are lots of things you can do over the holidays to prepare yourself for making a quit date.


I know sooner or later you will make up your mind, and when you do you can beat this addiction.
You are not alone in liking the effect of smoking (and hating it at the same time) Nicotine is a strong drug and all us smokers fell under the trance of its effect and all the rituals around our beloved smokes.

Believe me when I tell you that I understand what you are going through.

Take this one step at a time. Enjoy your Christmas and New Years Holiday.

All the best


Thursday 17 December 2009

Smoke Free Holidays

89 Kilos

I am enjoying my cigarette free holidays but all the holiday food is a real temptation.
Happy Hanukah!!!!

Thursday 10 December 2009

89 Kilos

How nice is to be touring around in Israel smoke free. I confess that I have put on a few kilos enjoying the holiday food. As each week passes I am appreciating my freedom from nicotine more and more and notice the sacrifice in life quality that the many smokers I see suffer.

Tuesday 1 December 2009

4 Months Smoke Free

88 Kilos

Wow 4 months and still going strong. This is a real challenge in Israel but I will not be swayed from my commitment. I have come too far to fall back and I don't think I could find the energy to go through month one again!!!!!

Friday 27 November 2009

Smoke Free - Ben Gurion Airport

I am making a quick visit to see my sister in Florence. No smoking in the modern Ben Gurion Airport.

Monday 23 November 2009

Cigarettes in the Souk

86 Kilos

20 days in Israel and I have not succumbed to the temptation of smoking.

In the one of the large Tel Aviv souks (public markets) I came across a cigarette vendor. Very cheap cigarettes offered imported from Russia for as little as 3 NIS ($0.75 US) a package. Another reason so many people smoke here.

Wednesday 18 November 2009

Bullheaded Non Smoker

87 Kilos

The food is great here in Israel and I have put on a few kilos but I am organized now hitting the gym regularly and working on keeping the weight under control.

My quit continues. The temptations are great but I'm not letting them get to me. Like Abraham the Bull pictured above I am keeping my head to the ground and my resolve will not be moved.

The number of smokers in Israel is very high. In part it may be due to the Russian immigrants (over 1 million in the last 10 years) with their strong tobacco use, and a tradition of tobacco consumption which is part of the oriental culture. THere is no question that life here is fast paced and political tension might create additional stress which reenforces those addicted to nicotine and makes it more difficult for them to quit.

I cannot think of a better place to look at old man nicotine in the eye and keep him banished from my life.

Saturday 7 November 2009

Smoking In Tel Aviv

I am resisting but it is not easy. It seems like non smoking has yet to be discovered by most people particularly those under 50. Bars are still smoking and almost everywhere semi covered outdoor terraces are filled with smokers.
It may the mild climate, the move, the food, cigarettes sold everywhere, but I sure feel like I am getting a lot of cravings.
I know this will pass and I look at month 4 and 5 in Israel as an extra challenge to reinforce my quit.

Wednesday 4 November 2009

2 Months in Israel

I am taking 2 months away from wet and cold Verona during the re modeling of my apartment to spend time in Israel. I have a small furnished flat 30 meters from the beach pictured above.
I am looking forward to the mild weather but I know there will be a lot of temptation since so many smoke here in Israel.

Sunday 1 November 2009

3 Month Anniversary

84.8 Kilos

November 1 and I celebrate 3 months as a non smoker.

Wednesday 28 October 2009

Canker Sores

84.7 Kilos

I have had 2 episodes of Aphthous ulcers. The first lasted about 10 days and may have been caused by biting my gums while chewing gum.

The second episode started a week ago is underneath my tongue and I do not recall any trauma that might have triggered the attack.It is now getting better.

From Internet searches I discover that there is an increased incidence of canker sores amongst ex smokers. They are not pleasant. I have found that rinsing my mouth with bicarbonate soda has helped.

One study shows use of 1-2 x 2mg x day nicotine gum helps relieve symptoms. I really don't want to use nicotine.
I have a good diet with sufficient of vitamins but I am now taking 2000 mcg of B-12 a day.

I have even read that some ex smokers have used canker sores an an excuse to start smoking again!!!!
No way for me.